Friday 28 January 2011

Digipack images- Emma

Album cover

Album back

Notes on Editing- Emma

As Amy posted, we have now finished the music video editing as I added the final effects to it today. These video transitions and colour effects were added to create a certain atmosphere. To some shots we added an effect called threshold which distorts the colour and adds a nostalgic element to give the impression of a memory which relates to the song lyrics. We also chose to have most of the video in black and white to give a more abstract and subdued feel to link with the indie genre.
   Adding transitions to the shots aswell allows the video to run smoother altogether.

Music Video Distrubution- Emma

  • Distribution is introducing and sustaining the sale of products in the market place. Therefore, music video distribution is all about attracting attention to the band/artist through their songs and music videos.
  • This is the final stage, where the film is released to an audience, to consumer media or direct download from a provider. The film is duplicated as required for distribution to music channels and the internet.
  •  Press kits, posters, and other advertising materials are published and the video is advertised.The distribution rights for the music video are also usually sold for worldwide distribution. The distributor and the production company share profits.
  • Youtube is the 2nd largest search engine next to Google. 
  • Many people search for music on YouTube and other online video websites.
  • If we were to distribute our music video we would take all these factors into consideration. Plus the magazine article and possibly featuring the video as a bonus on the bands album would create more distribution.

final Editing - Amy

Continueing from yesterday, we finished off with allocating shots this morning and then developed shots transitions and some effects such as black and white. Lastly, Emma finished editing the last 50seconds of the video later on in the day.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

recording and editing - Amy

Due to the bad quality of the previous voice recording we've decided to re - recording today. After that we uploaded the piece on to the MAC and used Garage Band to add some effects to the recording so it would bring out a different outcome to the music video. Lastly we managed to complete and song and nearly finishing with allocating all the shots in different places, so tomorrow and friday we will be finishing with the effects and transitions.

With the digi pack, every image have now been taken and edited.