Friday 14 January 2011

Post production survey- Emma Murphy

Post production survey.

1)      What genre would you say this music video is? For example, pop, rock or indie.

2)      Did you think the video represented the song well?

3)      What do you think the video is about?

4)      Would you watch this music video in your spare time?

5)      What other music artists would you compare the video and the band to?

6)      List three things that you like about the video:


7)      List three things you think could be improved:


8)      After watching the video would you buy the song?

9)      What sort of music videos would you normally watch?

10)  Was this the right amount of time limit for the video?

11)  Did you think the different colours used were effective? If so, why?


12)  What would you say the target audience for this video is?

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