Sunday 12 September 2010

Kooks Music Video Research - Amy Kong

Kooks – Naïve

Length of video: 3:23
Genre: Indie rock
Shots: 69


·             Red – shots that were taken in the disco, all of the colour were in the tone of red. Red is a very extreme colour to express feelings, it can be seen as being related to romance, warning, guilt, pain and anger. This fully express the idea that he is lost in the mixture of feelings that he is having because of what happened between him and his girlfriend.
·             Neutral colours with brighter highlights – Shots of the main male and female in the bedroom was mostly in a neutral and ordinary colour. This reflects the happiness that they were having before the problems appeared and the brighter highlights used been to exaggerate the peaceful relationships they had.

Shots and editing
·             Not very many shots were used as it can express the idea of the depressed feeling that the character is having.
·             Long and tracking shots state the miserable feeling
·             Each shots in the beginning were around 9-11 seconds long but as it gets to the chorus the editing speed up to illustrate the mixture of feelings being overflowed and therefore uncontrollable.

·  Most of the angels in the beginning were mid shots to show that he is away from the audience, so it’s almost like he is feeling detached from the scene because of how he is feeling.
·  As he is in the crowd in the disco more close ups were used, this is because he begins to search for the female character and he is full of emotions during this time. Close ups can show his desperation.
·  Towards the ending, mid shots were used again because he has found her and realized what she was doing so he has given up.

Shine On

Length: 3:15
Genre: Indie Pop
Shots: 89

Living room

·             Bright – Cheerful effect reflects the title shine on.
·             When the band is playing, the tone of colour seem to dim and creates much more shadows of the band to create a clandestine feeling.

Shots and editing
·             Most of the editing of the shots was in speed with the music and the drum beat. This brings a more cheerful and happy feeling to the song.
·             Straight cuts were used throughout the video, this matches with the up beat music that is used
·             Panning was the first shot that was used, it demonstrate the sun shining into the female character’s room and again reflects the song title ‘shine on’

Camera Angles
·             Mixtures of long shots and mid shots were used and this shows more of the things that were happening in the room instead of showing what the artist is doing.
·             Close ups were used when showing the facial features of the female character, this shows how much the male character want to get close to her.


Length: 3:52
Genre: Indie Pop
Shots: 92

Telephone box

·             Black and white were used throughout the video

Shots and editing
·             The edits of the shots were matching with the beat of the music
·             The slow motion of the phone wheel spinning around can begin the music in a mysterious way.
·             Slow motions used to show that the male character is in charge of what is happening in the shot
·             Fades were used in the chorus to indicate the complex storylines used
·             Slow motions can slowly reveal each of the scenes in the video
·             Close ups  were used to show the emotions of the male character
·             Unstable camera movements – the instability of the character’s thoughts
·             Fade of the mid shot of the character – the detachment of his feelings

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