Monday 29 November 2010

editing - Amy Emma Hania

Using our media lesson, we uploaded the 2 films on to the MAC which it took the whole lesson. We have agreed to start the editing within the next 2 weeks.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Booking the editing studio - Amy Kong

After filming both parts of the video, we have decided to upload the films on to the MAC as soon as possible so we can work on the editing. In our media lesson, we reported our process and then went off to book the editing suite.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Kings Of Leon video Research

Sex On Fire-
Camera shots- 186(averege)
Most common shot(s)- Extreme/ close-up
The video had no real story behind it it was mainly showing the band especially the singer at the front. The singer was also videod in some shots where he is lying down- has bit of story to it. The camera shots followed the beat of the music.

Use Somebody-
Camera Shots- 189 (averege)
Most common shot- Birds eye view and extreme/ close ups
The video comlpetly followed the beat of the music. Most of the shots again were of the singer and they were on him for a longer length of time at once then any other shot.

Camera shots- 169(averege)
Most common shot- Mid shot, low angle
In comparison to the other two videos this one does follow the beat of the music but not as clearly as the other two. Again it is mainly of the singer however not of the band playing instruments.

Final Shot list - Amy Kong

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Script for the side story in the MV - Amy

Background: After a party, a boy meets a girl then falls in love with each other

Actor: Tom Baker
Actress: Tara Savino
Location: Impington International Sixth Form centre, Common Room


Tom and Tara chatting on the sofa (laughing, enjoying the conversation)

At the end of the conversation, Tara walk towards the door and leave (Looks back at tom)

Monday 8 November 2010

Shooting Schedule - Amy

1st Shooting
Date: 10th November, 2010
Time: 16:45
Location: Impington Village College Music Practise Room 1
Crew: Emma, Amy, Hania
Artists: The Hierarchy
Content: Band practise

Arrangement of the day:
15:45 - Hania: Pick up Band members and props
            Amy, Emma: Setting up cameras, room and lighting

16:20 - Hania arrive at location of filming

16:30 - Brief the Band

16:40 - All Crew members and Artists stand by

16:45 - Filming Begins

Estimate duration of filming: 30 - 35 minutes

2nd Shooting
Date: 12th November, 2010
Time: 12:30
Location: Impington International Sixth form Centre, Common Room
Crew: Emma, Amy, Hania
Actor/ Actress: Tom Baker, Tara Savino
Content: Short story of Boy + Girl meeting for the first time (This is the side story to the music video)

Arrangement of the day:
12:00 - Crew set up the camera, room and props

12:15 - Brief the actor and actress

12:25 - All crew members, actor and actress stand by

12:30 - Filming Begins

Friday 5 November 2010

meeting - Amy

In our free period, we held a meeting to discuss the filming arrangement for filming on 10th November with the band. We draw up a plan for arrangement of the evening and discussed the role for each member of the group.

Letter to actors- Hania

                                                                                                                    Impington Village College
                                                                                                                    New Road
                                                                                                                    CB24 9LX

To Thomas Baker and Tara Savino
                                       We are writing to you to ask you if you would be willing to take part in our music video we wouold only require you for a short time to film small excerts within our video. If this is ok please sign below. Thank you.


Monday 1 November 2010

meeting - Amy Kong

Met up at break time and booked out the cameras and tripod that are needed for filming.

Choosing the band-Emma

The reason we chose the band is because we know them as they go to our college and get on well with them. Due to this we feel tht the band will be easy to work with and communication will not be a problem with them as we see them at college often. We have asked to use one of the songs that they have already written so that they do not have to write any new material for us.
  Another reason for working with them is that as a group we decidede to film a band that fitted in with the 'indie' genre and they are a typical indie band.
  One difficultly that we do have to face with the band is the fact that they do not have a singer anymore so we will need to find a suitabe person to work with the band and record the song.
  On the other hand, we are looking forward to working with them; hoping it will be a good experience and run smoothly.