Thursday 11 November 2010

Kings Of Leon video Research

Sex On Fire-
Camera shots- 186(averege)
Most common shot(s)- Extreme/ close-up
The video had no real story behind it it was mainly showing the band especially the singer at the front. The singer was also videod in some shots where he is lying down- has bit of story to it. The camera shots followed the beat of the music.

Use Somebody-
Camera Shots- 189 (averege)
Most common shot- Birds eye view and extreme/ close ups
The video comlpetly followed the beat of the music. Most of the shots again were of the singer and they were on him for a longer length of time at once then any other shot.

Camera shots- 169(averege)
Most common shot- Mid shot, low angle
In comparison to the other two videos this one does follow the beat of the music but not as clearly as the other two. Again it is mainly of the singer however not of the band playing instruments.

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