Monday 1 November 2010

Choosing the band-Emma

The reason we chose the band is because we know them as they go to our college and get on well with them. Due to this we feel tht the band will be easy to work with and communication will not be a problem with them as we see them at college often. We have asked to use one of the songs that they have already written so that they do not have to write any new material for us.
  Another reason for working with them is that as a group we decidede to film a band that fitted in with the 'indie' genre and they are a typical indie band.
  One difficultly that we do have to face with the band is the fact that they do not have a singer anymore so we will need to find a suitabe person to work with the band and record the song.
  On the other hand, we are looking forward to working with them; hoping it will be a good experience and run smoothly.

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