Tuesday 26 October 2010

Lyrics for the Bands song

Your eyes are talking to me from across the room,
got this feeling it'll end
all too soon, too soon
A cautious smile, a stolen glance
Something tells me this ain't romance, no no

You send these signals
Saying come get me
I'll take you back to mine
Where you'll have to wait and see
How this night ends
Do you get coffee?
Sort yourself out
And come get me

Empty bottles still in sight
Hazy memories of last night
Did I win, did I lose?
Ask myself, what did I choose


Quick Meeting- Emma Murphy

Last lesson we decided to go through what still needs to be done for our music and by doing this we can be more organised in the process.
Things that we have decided on:

Draft permission letters

Location- (permission letter aswell)

Stroyboard and mind maps

Pre production survey results

DVD cover for digipack and magazine advertisement

MEET WITH BAND ASAP- before we film ASAP

10th NOVEMBER?? to start filming. Book camera and MAC

Monday 18 October 2010

handing out survey - Amy

In our free period, we handed out the copies of the survey to the students that are already in the common room. The surveys were completed within 20 minutes, so we gathered them and decided that we would put together all the results at the next meeting.

Friday 15 October 2010

storyboard 1- amy

1] Duration: 3secs
Time in the video: 00:01
Camera Angle: close up (zoom in)
Description: coffee cup
Effects: B&W
Transition: Straight cut

2] Duration: 3secs
Time in the video: 00:04
Camera Angle: close up
Description: Tom's eyes
Effects: b&w threshold
Transition: peel page

3] Duration: 4secs
Time in the video: 00:07
Camera Angle: mid
Description: Band
Effects: b&w
Transition: straight cut

4] Duration: 2secs
Time in the video: 00:11
Camera Angle: close up
Description: Dan playing guitar
Effects: b&w
Transition: straight cut

5] Duration: 2secs
Time in the video: 00:13
Camera Angle: extream close up (zoom out)
Description: guitar being played
Effects: b&w
Transition: straight cut

6] Duration: 2secs
Time in the video: 00:15
Camera Angle: close up
Description: Josh
Effects: b&w
Transition: straight cut

7] Duration: 4secs
Time in the video: 00:17
Camera Angle: close up
Description: dan and joe
Effects: b&w
Transition: straight cut

8] Duration: 3secs
Time in the video: 00:20
Camera Angle: long
Description: emma walking past
Effects: b&w
Transition: page peel

Monday 11 October 2010

Meeting - Amy Kong

We printed 15 copies of the pre production survey and planned the date and times of handing them out to students that are available in the common room. Using the available students in the common room, can allow us to quickly collect the data. Also the available student are in the age range of our target audience, therefore the results of the survey would be more valid and reliable.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Pre Production survey results- Hania and analysis by Amy

Gender: males-4
Ages:   below 12-1

Favourite genre:  pop- 7
                          indie- 8
                          rock- 2
                          R&B- 8
                          classical- 1
                           (multiple choice)
 3)How much do you spend on purchasing music a month?
    £0 to £5- 6
    £5 to £10- 8
    £10 to £20- 3

4) Do you often buy music tracks or albums?

5)How do you buy your music?

 'Itunes'- 11
 'Music Shop'- 6

6) How often do you buy a magazine related to music?


7) How do you find out about a new piece of music?


8) What elements would you expect from an indie band?

    Lead singer- 6
    Male dominated band- 5
    Drummer- 1
9) List 3 bands that you would associate with the indie genre:

    Kings Of Leon-11
    The Script-7
    The Killers-6
    The Kook-3
    Red Hot Chilli Peppers-5
    The Fratellis-4
    Chase and Status- 8

10) Which title is suitable for an up and coming indie band:

       ·         Hierarchy- 9
        ·         Blank Paper- 2
        ·         Purple Elephant- 6

11)What do you expect to see in an Indie music video? Eg. location or costume
      Destruction of instruments-4
      People Raving- 6
      Lead singer- 3
      The band- 7
       Skinny Jeans- 2
12)  What kind of style would an Indie album cover portray? (tick 2)
  • Abstract-5
  • Simple-2
  • Colourful-0
  • Surreal-6
  • Other (please note)- Artistic-1
These results has lead us to identifying the target audience being B, C1and C2female at the age between 17 to 21. We will mainly promote and distribute this album on itune because our target audience are most likely to be drawn attention to products on itune. However our survey has found out that less people are buying paint magazines there fore our advertisement would spend 40% on music magazines and 60% online and through radio.

As 24.4% of responders have chosen King's of Leon and 17.8% have chosen Chase and Status for the most associated with indie genre, thus we will be developing our ideas from these bands. For the band's name, we have chosen the name 'Hierarchy' because 40% of responders prefer this name compare to the others. And after finding out audience's expectations of Indie Music videos, we will develop on that by showing variety of shots focusing on elements such as guitars and mainly on the band members.

Lastly, the design of the album cover will be in the style of surreal and abstract as 42.9% and 35.7% of responders have been interpreted it.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Viewing figures for music channels- Hania

Daily viewing figures for music channels in december 2009

MTV- 278 000
MTV Base-  263 000
MTV+1- 153 000
MTV Classic- 330 000
MTV Dance- 166 000
MTV Hits- 402 000
MTV Rocks- 166 000
MTV Hits- 156 000
4 Music- 1 396 000
Chart show TV- 322 000
Magic TV- 279 000
Kerrang- 213 000
Kiss TV- 283 000
The Box- 372 000
The Vault- 197 000

The most viewed music channel at this time was 4 music. This could be due to the many channels 4 has. Channel 4 is one of the most viewed channels therefore having smaller channels that are more recent they can channel 4 can advertise and get more viewers to watch.  The music channel with the least amounts was MTV+1 this could be due to the fact that MTV has now recently changed to mainly showing television prgrammes and not playing as much music which is why more channels were created to suit everyones taste in music.

Monday 4 October 2010

identification of target audience - Amy Kong

The genre of the music video is Indie rock, so we are targeting our product mainly to the working class youth, aged between 15 – 21 years old who are into indie rock. We have chosen this age range because the genre of our product is highly matched with the type of music youth are attracted to and also, males are more likely to be attracted to indie rock music so therefore this age group is our focus of the production.

Apart form the genre of the music that can attract our target audience, the story of the song is also another element that might draw their attention. The story is based on love, where the characters fall in love with each other after a party. The theme of love and party closely relate to teenagers’ life style which increase the likelihood of catching their attention to this music video.

Sunday 3 October 2010

Pre-Production Questions - Group

1) Gender:   Male / Female
Age:        Below 12   12-16   17-21   22-30   31-50   50+

2) What is your favourite music genre?

3) How much do you sepend on purchasing music a month?

4) Do you often buy music tracks or albums?

5) How do you buy your music?

6) How often do you buy a magazine related to music?

7) How do you find out about a new piece of music?

8) What elements would you expect from an indie band?

9) List 3 bands that you would associate with the indie genre:

10) Which title is suitable for an up and coming indie band:
  • Hierarchy
  • Blank Paper
  • Purple Elephant
11) What do you expect to see in a Indie music video? Eg. location or costume

12) What kind of style would an Indie album cover portray? (tick 2)
  • Abstract
  • Simple
  • Colourful
  • Surreal
  • Other (please note)

Pop/Music video history- Emma Murphy

  • A music video is a short film/video that accompanies a complete piece of music/song.
  • Modern music videos are made and used as a marketing device inteneded to promote the sale of music recordings.
  • The term 'music video' first came into popular use in the early 1980s. Before then similar types of music vdeos were described as 'filmed insert', 'promo film' or 'film clip'.
  • The videos use a wide range of styles including animation, live action filming, documentaries and non-narrative approaches such as abstract film. Some music vidoes blend different styles, such as animation and live action. Some music videos do not interpret images from the song's lyrics, making less literal than expected.
  • In the UK the TV show Top of the Pops began playing music videos in the late 1970s, although the BBC placed strict limits on the number of 'outsourced' videos the show could use. Therefore a good video would increase a song's sales as viewers hoped to see it again the following week.
  • In 1981 the U.S video channel MTV launched, aring 'Video killed the radio star' and the beginning an era of 24-hour a day music on television. With this new outlet for material, the music video would by the mid 1980s grow to play a central role in poular music marketing. Many acts from this time period such as Madonna and Duran Duran owed a great deal of success to the way their music videos were played and promoted.
  • In the past few years more websites have been created to feture music videos. the website iFilm, which hosted short videos including music launched in 1997 and Napster, a peer to peer file sharing service which ran between 1999 and 2001 enabled users to share video files, including those for music videos.
  • in 2005 a website named Youtube was released which made viewing of online video faster and easier along with Myspace's video functionality which uses similar technology launched in 2007.
  • As the concept and medium of a music video is a form of artistic expression, artists on many occasions have been censored if their contenet is deemed offensive and in some case record labels will either distribute videos edited or videos can sometimes be banned in theri entirety for being too offensive to broadcast.

Friday 1 October 2010

Interview with the band- Emma Murphy

Interview with Hierarchy band member, Joe Soar (guitarist)

      How do you see yourselves as a band?

Friends before the band who make music together, genre type is indie rock, for example, other bands that inspire them you me at six/nirvana/arctic monkeys

      What would you say you're style is in relation to music, the way you look, how you perform?
Normal clothes, different styles within group, perform like any band.

      What is your band history? Eg. how long you've been together, how did the band come about.
Friends, bassist and guitarist came to joe for one off show, with an old drummer and two singers then became a proper band and playing a lot. Two singers and old drummer didn’t fit the band so another drummer joined the group and they found a new female singer in to sing. Been together for less than a year. Recorded an ep , and possible local radio time.

      Do you perform regularly, if so where? 
Haven’t played for about 3 months but going to playing more gigs soon. Local sixth form colleges, Pubs (man on the moon), possible gigs at the junction.

      Are there certain jobs within the band such as songwriter, or do you all combine skills?
Combine now, but in the past Joe would write music and get Dan to interpret lyrics.