Sunday 3 October 2010

Pre-Production Questions - Group

1) Gender:   Male / Female
Age:        Below 12   12-16   17-21   22-30   31-50   50+

2) What is your favourite music genre?

3) How much do you sepend on purchasing music a month?

4) Do you often buy music tracks or albums?

5) How do you buy your music?

6) How often do you buy a magazine related to music?

7) How do you find out about a new piece of music?

8) What elements would you expect from an indie band?

9) List 3 bands that you would associate with the indie genre:

10) Which title is suitable for an up and coming indie band:
  • Hierarchy
  • Blank Paper
  • Purple Elephant
11) What do you expect to see in a Indie music video? Eg. location or costume

12) What kind of style would an Indie album cover portray? (tick 2)
  • Abstract
  • Simple
  • Colourful
  • Surreal
  • Other (please note)

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